“The art of Ben Jones is a spiritual journey that continues the struggle for identity, freedom, justice and love for the
salvation of the human family. Ben reveals his sense of responsibility to his ancestral legacy by continuing the work
against oppression, exploitation and hegemony through the symbolic power of his work.
Ben has battled much of his life for spaces where his culture can be honoured and respected with equal validity
amongst others. His struggle has been a journey documented not only in the array of his works, but in the actions
he has taken as an activist and speaker on the political issues of our time…
Each of Ben’s humble offerings reveals his prayer for greater understanding and love. At a glance we witness
instances of transformative energies called forth for a world still within our grasp, if we open our minds and our
About Ben Jones.
Ben Jones was born in New Jersey in 1941. He received an MFA from Pratt University (Brooklyn, NY), MA from New York University (New
York, NY) and BFA from William Paterson University (Wayne, NJ). Jones has made over fifty cultural exchange visits to Cuba since the
nineteen-seventies, and is noted by the Granma International of Havana, Cuba as one of the most important African-American artists of his
generation. For over four decades, Jones’ multimedia installations have reflected his travel and research in Africa, Europe, South America,
United States and the Caribbean. The brilliant rhythmic colors, abstract motifs, dense symmetrically designed compositions and symbols
found in Jones’ work combine a classical portrayal of African art and culture as represented by the African Diaspora experience.
Jones political consciousness developed early as he began to create art that expressed the social conditions of his time as a key part of his
activism. Works from the 1970s onwards reflected the artist’s exploration of his African American heritage; including African spiritualism
and ritual, body painting traditions as well as jazz and soul music. His long-time engagement with the Black Power / Black Arts
movements, as evidenced by depictions of Malcolm X and others, has broadened over the years to encompass his deep concern for the
environment and the survival of all life forms.
Jones’ political and cultural involvement takes a global view; “I want my work to be for everyone. Once we realize that we are not only one
world, but a part of an expanding universe, we begin to express the joy of creation and a love for all people”
Artist Background
1941 Born May 26th in Paterson, New Jersey (attended the city of Paterson public schools).
Academic Studies:
MFA, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY
MA, New York University, New York, NY
BA, William Paterson University, Wayne, NJ
Selected Solo Exhibitions:
2023 Ben F. Jones "The Universe of Ben Jones" William Paterson University, Wayne, NJ
2022 Ben F. Jones (The Bigger Picture) 198 Contemporary Arts and Learning London, UK
2021 Ben Jones / William Rhodes (Making The Connections) California Institute of Integral Studies
San Francisco, CA, USA
2020 New Media Abstraction and Identity Politics: Rosenthal Gallery in Fayetteville State
2019 Extinction Notice (The Bigger Picture) African American Art & Culture Center, San Francisco, CA
2019 Resurgence Rise Again, Pittsburgh, PA
2018 MAM Contemporaries, Montclair, NJ
2017 Museo de Bellas Artes Universal Havana, Cuba
2013 Evolution Revolution 2, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa
2011 Evolution-Revolution, London, England
2009 Siguaraya Gallery, Berlin, Germany
2008 Deliverance: The Art of Ben Jones, Jersey City, NJ
2008 Agape International Spiritual Center, Los Angeles, CA
2007 Centro Civico Las Sirenas, Sevilla,Spain
2006 Jadite Gallery, New York, NY
2004 Hammonds House, Atlanta, GA
2003 WBGO Gallery, Newark, N.J.
2003 Jadite Gallery, New York, NY
2002 Brothers Lemmerman Gallery, New Jersey City University
2001 Jadite Gallery, New York, NY
2000 Havana Biennial, Havana, Cuba
2000 Associao Cultural Brasil-Estados Unidos (ACBEU), Salvador, Bahia, Brasil
2000 NCA Gallery, Detroit, MI
2000 Jadite Gallery, New York, NY1999 Studio Aperto, Rome, Italy
1998 Jadite Gallery, New York, NY
1997 Jadite Gallery, New York, NY
1997 Williams Center, Rutherford, NJ
1996 Espace Gaite, Paris, France
1995 Centro Provincial De Artes Plasticas, Santa de Cuba, Cuba
1995 Bratton Gallery, New York, NY
1995 Bratton Gallery, New York, NY
1994 Centro Provincial De Artes Plasticas, Havana, Cuba
1994 Jersey City Museum, Jersey City, NJ
1998 Gallery, London, England
1993 Rene Portocarrero Gallery, Havanna, Cuba
1992 Courtney Gallery, Jersey City State University, Jersey City, NJ
1993 Broadway Gallery, Passaic County Community College, Paterson, NJ
1986 New Jersey State Museum, Trenton, NJ
1984 Newark Museum, Newark, NJ
1982 Jersey City Museum, Jersey City, NJ
1976 Howard University, Washington, DC1975
1975 Acts of Art Gallery, New York, NJ
1974 Brooklyn Children’s Museum, Brooklyn, NY
1973 Studio Museum of Harlem, New York, NY
Selected Group Exhibitions:
2021 Ben Jones and “His Art Students” Nimbus Art Center
2020 New Media Abstraction and Identity Politics: Rosenthal Gallery in Fayetteville State University, Fayetteville, NC
2019 Envision Empower Embrace, Montclair Art Museum, Montclair, NJ
2018 Constructing Identity, Montclair, NJ
2017 2020: Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, PA
2016 Collage Effects: Art of the African Diaspora, William Patterson, NJ
2015 “A River Depends on its Tributaries”
Walsh Gallery at Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ
2015 "Sudden Juxtapositions" Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. State Office Building
New York, NY
2014 "African-American Artists & Abstraction"
The National Fine Arts Museum, Havana Cuba
2008 "The Power of Healing" Summit Medical Group, Summit, NJ
2007 "Red Badge of Courage" National Newark Building , Newark, NJ
2005 Art Market, Montclair State University, Montclair, NJ
2005 Creative Energy and Enduring Spirit, North Carolina Central University Art Museum and Hayti Heritage Center, Durham, NC
2005 Two Good Not To Be Known, 1978 Maplewood Arts Center, Maplewood, NJ
2004 Transcribing A Moment of Struggle, Transcultural, NJ – City Without Walls Gallery, Newark, NJ
2004 On Their Own, Mason Gross, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
2004 Red Velvet Cake, The Atrium, Morristown, NJ
2004 Pen Brush Club, New York, NY
2003 Sumei Multicultural Center; Newark, NJ
2003 “Three Generations of Black Art” Montclair State University Art Galleries, 2003-04
2002 Chair City: Chair Philosophy, NCA Gallery, Detroit, MI
2002 NCA International Exhibition; Ghana National Museum-Accra, Ghana
2002 Brothers, Montclair State University, Montclair, NJ
2002 Off The Wall, Jersey City Museum, Jersey City, NJ
2002 Driskell Center Gala 2002,The David Driskell Center, College Park, MD
2001 Treasurers From The Amistad Research Center,
The Ogden Museum of Southern Art, New Orleans, LA
2001 AC-BAW, Mt. Vernon, NY
2001 Schomburg Center, New York, NY
2000 Havana Bienniale, Havana, Cuba
2000 Amistad Research Center, New Orleans, LA
2000 Amistad Foundation, Hartford, Conn.
2000 Collectors Choice, Montclair Art Museum, Montclair, NJ
1999 Spirituality in African-American Art, Smithsonian
(Ancostia Museum), Washington, DC
1999 Paterson Boys – Nathan’s Gallery, Paterson, NJ
1999 Black Artists – Gallery de Bahia, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
1999 NCA Gallery, Detroit, MI
1999 African Diaspora – Cinque Gallery, New York, NY
1998 Satori Gallery, Chicago, IL 1998 South Shore Arts Center, Chicago, IL
1997 The Schomburg Center for Research and Black Culture, New York, NY
1996 Henry Street Settlement Gallery, New York, NY
1995 Bratton Gallery, New York, NY
1994 Bratton Gallery, New York, NY
1993 Pain Webber Gallery, New York, NY
1992 The Expanding Circle – The Gallery at Bristol Myers – Squibb, Princeton, NJ
1992 Montclair Museum, Montclair, NJ
1991 The Newark Museum, Newark, NJ
1990 Korea Gallery, New York, NY
1990 Milwaukee Art Museum, Milwaukee, WI
1990 High Museum of Art, Atlanta, GA
1989 Masks – The Afro-American Historical & Cultural Museum, Phildelphia, PA
1989 Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, TX
1988 Art Jonction International, Niece, France
1987 Terakada Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
1987 Veridian Gallery, New York, NY
1987 Montclair Museum, Montclair, NJ
1987 New Jersey Center for the Arts, Summit, NJ
1986 Yellow Dot Gallery, New York, NY
1986 Museum of American Life and Culture, Dallas, TX
1986 Pennsylvania Academy of Art, Philadelphia, PA
1986 New Jersey Printmaking Council, Somerville, NJ
1986 Sande Webster Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
1985 Dallas Convention Center, Dallas, TX
1985 Philadelphia Civic Center, Philadelphia, PA
1984 Broadway Gallery, Paterson, NJ
1983 Gallery 62, Gallery, New York, NY
1983 National Afro-American Art Exhibition, Atlanta Life Insure Co. Atlanta, GA
1982 National Afro-American Art Exhibition, Atlanta Life Insure Co. Atlanta, GA
1982 Studio Museum in Harlem, New York, NY
1982 Acorn Gallery, Boulder, CO
1982 Nardin Gallery, New York, NY
1982 Newark Museum, Newark, NJ
1981 Philadelphia Civic Center, Philadelphia, PA
1979 Los Angeles Museum, Los Angeles, CA
1979 San Jose Museum, San Jose, CA
1978 Schenectady Museum, Schenectady, NY
1978 Black Art, San Francisco, CA
1977 FESTAC, Lagos, Nigeria, West Africa
1976 Riverside Museum, New York, NY
1975 Smith Mason Gallery, Washington, DC
1975 Purdue University, West Lafayette, NJ
1975 Lee Nordness Gallery, New York, NY
1973 Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY
1973 Dusable Museum, Chicago, IL
1972 Colgate University, Hamilton, NY
1972 Black Artists, Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana, April 1972
1971 Newark Museum, New York, NY
1972 Nyumba Ya Sanaa Gallery, New York, NY
1970 Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA
1971 Newark Museum, Newark, NJ
Selected Publications:
2014 Xhibiting Blackness – Dr. Bridget R. Cooks, Brady Charles Blakeley and A. Michelle
Blakeley, February 1, 2014
2014 Afro-Cuban Religious Arts- Kristine Juncker, University Press of Florida, Gainsville, FL
Popular Expressions of Cultural Inheritance in Espiritismo and Santeria
Jones, Ben, 123,125
2005 Gilbert’s – Living With Art, Mark Getlein, (Seventh Edition), McGraw, 2005
2003 A World of Art, Henry M. Sayre, (fourth Edition), Prentice Hall, 2003
2002 Gilbert’s – Living With Art, Mark Getlein, (Sixth Edition), McGraw, 2002
2001 Artist & Influence – Vol. XX-2001
2000 Hatch-Billops Collection The International Review of African American Art Multitudes, AFAA Michael Weaver, Sarabande Books, Louisville, Kentucky, 2000
1998 African-American Art, Sharon F. Patton, Oxford, 1998
1998 Living With Art, Rita Gilbert, (Fifth Edition), McGraw Hill, 1998
1997 Black Culture and Art in the 20th Century, Richard Powell, Thames and Hudson, London, Leslie King Hammod
1995 Living With Art, Rita Gilbert, McGraw Hill, 1985
1992 Black Erotica, Miriam Dacosta Willis, Doubleday, 1992
1990 Mixed Blessings, Lucy Lippard, Pantheon, 1990
1990 Black Art-Ancestral Legacy – The African Impulse in African American Art, Dallas Museum of Art, Abrams, 1990
1973 A Bio-Bibliographical Director, Trustee of the Boston Public Library, 1973
1973 Afro-American Artists – A Bio-Bibliographical, Director, Trustees of The Boston Public Library, 1973
1971 The Afro American Artist, Elsa Fine – Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1971
New Black Perspectives
We Wear the Mask: The Ethos of Spirituality in African-American Art,
(Book In Process)
Catalogues, Brochures, Newsletters, Lectures and Videos:
2021 Making Visible The Connections Ben Jones/ William Rhodes California Institute Of Integral Studies, San Francisco, CA.
2019 Resurgence — Rise Again: The Art of Ben Jones
August Wilson Cultural Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
2019 Extinction Notice The African American Cultural Complex, San Francisco, CA, USA
2017 Resistance\Resistencia Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Havana, Cuba
2014 African American Artists & Abstraction Museo Nacional De Bellas Ates, Havana, Cuba
2013 Evolution\Revolution University of South Africa (Unisa), Gallery of Art, Pretoria, South Africa
2011 Evolution\Revolution Richmix Center for the Arts, London, United Kingdom
2011 Ben Jones — Washed in the Blood Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art, Altoona, PA, USA
2006 El Espiritu de los Abanicos Centrico Civico Las Serenas, Sevilla, Spain
2003 Sisters of Spirit Jadite Gallery, New York, NY, USA
2003 “Women I Love – The Work of Ben Jones” Upbeat – WBGO Jazz Vol. 26 #2,
2003 “In Praise of a spiritual Activist,” (N.J. Features Inspirational Station Art), November 2003 N.J. Transit D B Express, (Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Quarterly Update), Vol. 1
No.1, Issues
2002 “Ben Jones – A Passion For Art” William Paterson University – Wayne, NJ
“Dream Time,” Aljira – A Center for Contemporary Art, Newark, NJ, Vol. 1, No. 2, Spring/Summer 2002
2002 “Paisajes Toxicos,” Biblioteca Nacional Jose’ Marti, Havana, Cuba, June 2002
2002 National Conference of Artist Newsletter, New York, April 2002
2001 “Treasures from The Amistad Research Center,” The Ogden Museum of Southern Art, New Orleans, 2001
2000 “African American Heritage Guide to New Jersey;” N.J. Transit Travel Guide, 2000
2000 “The Montclair Art Museum Bulletin,” Montclair, Fall 2000
2000 “Ben Jones – Jadite Gallery,” New York (QuikGuide), 1999
1999 “Locating The Spirit: Religion and Spirituality in African American Art,” Anacostia Museum and Center for African American History and Culture, Washington, DC, February 14-June 15, 1999
1996 “Art By African-American Artists in the Collection of the New Jersey State Museum,” New Jersey State Museum, 1998
1995 “Ben Jones – in the Spirit,” 1998 Gallery, London, England, 1995
1994 “Gods and Saints – Shango/Chango: An Installation by Ben Jones,” Jersey City Museum Newsletter, Fall 1994
1994 “Ritual and Myth,” Studio Museum in Harlem, New York - 25 Years of Afro-American Art,” Studio Museum in Harlem, NY, 1994
1994 “Gods and Saints – Shango/Chango: An Installation by Ben Jones,”
Jersey City Museum Newsletter, Fall 1994
1993 “Cultural Diversity – Tool For Empowerment and Democratizing Art Education,” 1993, Art Educators of New Jersey, 1993
1993 “A Major African-American Artists Teaches at Jersey City State,” The New Jersey Voice of Higher Education, AFT, December 1993
1992 “The Expanding Circle: A Selection of Afro-American Art,” The Gallery of Bristol Myers Squibb, January 15 – February 1992
1993 “Rediscoveries: The Mythmakers,” Jamaica Arts Center, Jamaica, NY, October 24-December 30, 1992
1990 “Afro-Cuban Art,” (Lecture by Ben Jones), Montclair Art Museum, Montclair, NJ, May 10, 1990
1991 “The Aljira Fine Art Auction” Aljira Art Auction, Newark, June 13, 1991
1988 “Signs of Transition 80’s Art From Cuba (Center Exhibit at Mocha in New York City),” Center for Cuban Studies, New York, March 1988
1987 “An Exhibition Art Faculty of New Jersey State Colleges,” Ben Shawn Galleries, William Paterson University, Wayne, NJ, March 1987
1986-87 Jersey City Museum Tenth Anniversary Exhibition, Jersey City, NJ, December 17, 1986-February 14, 1987
1986 “Constructed in Jersey City: Painting and Sculpture,” The Summit Art Center, 68 Elm Street, Summit, NJ, September 12-October 22, 1986
1986 “Ben Jones – Transformations and Juxtapositions,” Artists Series, New Jersey State Museum, Feb., 8 – March 30, 1986
1986 “Ben Jones – A Portrait,” Video by Jane Steuerwald, 1986, New Jersey City University
1985 “Delta Black Arts Renaissance – A Celebration of Excellence,” Delta Sigma Theta Sority, Inc., 38th National Convention, August 6, 1985, Dallas, Texas
1984 “Fellowship Exhibition 83/84,” New Jersey State Council on the Arts, Department of State, 1984
1984 “A Salute to African Americans,” Passaic County Cultural Affairs Office, Passaic County Community College and The Carter C. Woodson Foundation, Feb., 4, 1984
1984 “Ben Jones” – Cloud Series – Silk Screen Prints, Broadway Art Gallery, Passaic County College, Paterson, NJ., February 1-22, 1984
1984 “Transformations” Recent Serigraphs – Ben Jones, Newark Museum, Newark, NJ, 1984
1983 “Aleta Bass, Nadine Lawrence-Maine, Ben Jones, Joyce Wellman,” Gallery 62, National Urban League, Inc., New York, May 16-June 24, 1983
1983 “Current Thinking,” Kenkeleba Gallery, New York, 1983
“Ritual and Myth: A Survey of African American Art,” Studio Museum in Harlem, June-Sept., 1982
1983 “The Shango Wallpaper Series – Ben Jones,” Centro Provincial de Artes Plasticas Y Diseno, Havana, Cuba, May 1982
1982 “New Jersey Artists” – (Third Biennial Exhibition) The Newark Museum – The New Jersey State Museum, Patterson Sims (Associate Curator-Whitney Museum of American Art; Linda Shearer, Director-Artists’ Space), Newark, NJ, November 13, 1981-January 20, 1982
1982 “Ritual and Myth: A Survey of African American Art,” Gallery Guide; Exhibition Made Possible by National Endownment for the Arts, N.Y. State Council on the Arts, The Public Art Fund, New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, 1982
1981 “The Second Annual Atlanta Life National Art Competition and Exhibition,” Atlanta Life Insurance, December 5-31, 1981
1981 “Expressions ’81, - A Festival of Black and Hispanic Arts,” Minority Arts Resource Council, Philadelphia, July 10-17, 1981
“Dance Africa ‘80# - A Festival of African American Dance Companies,” Brooklyn Academy of Music, June 1, 1980
1979 “Benjamin Jones,” The Robeson Campus Center Addition Dedication Week Exhibit, The Robeson Campus Center Art Gallery, Rutgers University, September 17-21, 1979
1978 “Works,” New Jersey State Council on the Arts Fellowships in the Visual Arts, April 1 – July 9, 1978
1977 “Benjamin Jones,” Prints-Collages-Drawings and Photographs – Sculpture, The Carl Van Vechten Gallery of Fine Arts, Fisk University, Nashville, Tennesse, March 20 – April 20, 1977
1978 “Cultivating The Garden of our Ancestors: Fulfilling The Promise,” NCA National Invitational Exhibition, James E. Lewis Museum of Art, Morgan State University, 1997
1976 “20th Century Black Artists,” San Jose Museum of Art,
San Jose, California, September 3-October 8, 1976
1974 “Visual Arts” – NEA Fonds Autumn, Amistad Reports, Amistad Research Center, New Orleans, “Masks – Cultural and Contemporary” The Afro-American Historical and Cultural Museum, Phila, PA, 1974
1972 “Directions in Afro-American Art,” Afro-Studies A Research Center Cornel University, Sept., - Oct., 1974
1972 “Black Artists in Historical Perspective-Part II, Schenectady Museum,” Schenectady, New York, Black Dimensions in Art, Inc., October 7-November 19, 1972
1972 “Black Artists,” Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana, April 1972
1971 “Apokalypsis,” Nardin Galleries, New York, October 29 – January 4, 1971 or 1972
1971 “Black Artists: Two Generations,” Newark Museum, Newark, NJ, May 13 – September 6, 1971
1970 “The Kumasi Project – 1970 Pilot Program in African Architectural Research, IRA Aldridge Theatre,” Howard University, Washington, D.C., May 3, 1971
“Afro-American Artists New York and Boston,” The Museum of The Nation Center of Afro-American Artists, The Museum of Fine Arts, The School of The Museum of Fine Arts Boston, May-June 1970
“What Is Black Art,” Douglas Davis, Newsweek, June 22, 1970
2011 “Culture Beyond Oil” – Ben Jones, Profiling BP & Shell, Thank You BP, January 2011
2011 “The Positive Community” – Ben Jones: Portrait of an Artist, New Jersey City University
January 2012, Page 12
2011 “Midtown Monthly”- An Intimate Evening with Amiri Baraka and Ben F. Jones,
The Guild Theater, November 12, 2011, Page 33
2003 New Jersey Monthly – “Out & About,” Page 53, December 2003
2002 Jazziz – “Six Lovely Ladies,” Feb., 2002
1998 “The Art of Political Struggle and Cultural Revolution of the 1960’s and 70’s,” The International Review of African-American Art, Cover Page and Page 1, Volume 15, Number 1, 1998
1998 “African Heritage,” Scholastic Art, March 1998
1990 “Africa Meets The West,” Peter Plagens, Newsweek, (Participated in this Exhibition), Pages 88-89, February 19, 1990
1986 “Ben Jones – Juxtaposing Art and Life,” Phil Cornell, New Jersey Monthly Magazine, August 1986
1986 “85-86 Guide to Galleries Museums Artists,” Art in America, 1985-86,
1985 “Ben Jones with Transformation No. 4,” New Jersey, Page 23, May 1985
1983 “American Rituals,” Jeff Jacobson, Camera Arts, April 1983, Pages 24-25
1982 “After Dark,” Linda Bryant, Artery, Pages 18-19, Art/New York, Vol. 5, No. 3, The National Forum for College Art, 1982
1981 “Positive Images of Us,” The Black Collegian, Black Art, Page 24, October/November 1981, PA
1980 “Trans-African Art – An International Style in Contemporary Art History,” Jeff Donaldson, The Black Collegian (Black Art), Tenth Anniversary Issue, October/November 1980, Pages 90-102
1980 “Ben Jones: Art That Develops The Universal Aspects of Life,” Newsville Foster, Metro Newark, Metrolife, Page 34, April 1980
1980 “Black Art,” The Black Collegian (Tenth Anniversary Issue, October/November, 1980, Pages 90-102
1979 New Jersey City University; Newark Metro, Greater Newark Chamber of Commerce, Oct., 1979
1976 “Benjamin Jones,” Bullentin (Interracial Books for Children), Volume 7, Number1 - Illustrators Showcase, Page 20, 1976
1976 “African Influences on Black American Art,” Floyd Coleman, Black Art (An International Quaterly Pages 4 –15, 1976
1975 “Directions in Afro-American Art,” Roberta Smith, Art Forum, Jan., 1975
1974 “Quo Vadis Black Art,” Henri Ghent, Art in America, Nov.-Dec., 1974
1973 Newark Review of the Arts, (Cover) Fall/Winter, 1973
Revue Modern – Paris, France, Art News, Ebony, Jet
Black World, National Scene Magazine, Newark Review of the Arts, Artspeak, Emerge Magazine
2014 “Granma” - El arte como dialogo entre culturas, Havana, Cuba, July 2014, Page 6
Michael Hernandez
2014 “Xhibiting Blackness” – Artists excel in Evolve’s ‘Xhibiting Blackness’ Page 25, Sacramento, California, April 26, 2013
2013 “The Star Ledger” – Emerging artists get lessons in business from Newark contemporary art groups. Ben Jones, Newark, New Jersey
2011 “The Christian Observer” – From the Desk of Theresa Nance, Rev. Theresa Nance, Ben Jones, October 28, 2009, Jersey City, New Jersey, Page 17
2011 “The Christian Observer” – Slavery in Scripture, Dr. Brenda Pittman, September 2009, Page 5
2011 “The Jersey Journal” A new Academic Year, Ben Jones, September 15, 2011, Page 14
2009 “The New York Amsterdam News” – Jersey City museum presents Afro-centric cinema,
Kaylyn Kendall Dines, Janita Randall, February 18, 2009, Page 9
2009 “The Gothic Times” – My Personal Memories of Jared Martin, Nicole Contreras, September 8, 2009
2008 “The Star Ledger” – Funky vision in Jersey City, Museum displays colorful woks of homeyes Ben Jones and RoCa, Dan Bischoff, September 30, 2008
2007 “Burrelles Luce Work Intelligently” – Jersey Journal, Ben Jones, Jersey City, NJ
October 19, 2007
2005 “Ethnic Awareness,” Star Ledger, Newark, February 4, 2005
2002 “Impressive ‘Toxic Landscapes’ Exhibition,” Jean Guy Allard, Granma International, Havana, Cuba, June 23, 2002
2002 “U.S. Painters Exhibit Environmental Art,” Mireya Castaneda, Granma International,
Havana, Cuba, June 16, 2002
2002 “Ben Jones, Transcending Praise, Light, and Peace,” Sonia Andersson, The Gothic Times Page 5, February 26, 2002
2001 “Puffin Foundation Visits Havana,” Jean Guy Allard, Granma International, Havana, Cuba, July 1, 2001
2001 “Ben Jones-Painting, Conscience, Frienship,” Mireya Castaneda, Granma International, Havana, Cuba, March 25, 2001
2000 “Andreon Bratton” (Haitian Art Collection), Jersey Journal, March 30, 2000
1997 “Artist’s City, Upbringing His Inspiration,” Donna Mitchell, Paterson Herald News,
May 21, 1997 Section B
1997 “West African Lore Inspires WCC’S ‘New Yes’ Exhibit,” John Carlos Cantu, The Ann
Arbor News, November 23, 1997
1997 “Alumnus Goes Back to Grass Roots,” A. Scott Ferguson, Spotlight Alumni Assoc.,
William Paterson University, Wayne, NJ, summer 1997
1997 “Spoleto Draws Artists to Town,” Nicholas Drake, The Post and Courier, Charleston,
S.C., May 29, 1997
1997 “Lowe Show Celebrates Four Artists,” Elisia Turner, The Herald, Miami,
September 21, 1997
1996 “Ben Jones – A Conversation with a Contemporary African – American Artist,”
Gothic Times, Jersey City State College, April 3, 1996
1995 Ben Jones’ Hearts of Love, The City Sun, Page 13, December 20, 1995
1995 “A Genuine Tradition – African Culture,” Mireya Castaneda, Gramma International,
Havana, Cuba, September 20, 1995
“The Mysteries of a Yoruba War God Turned Christian Saint,” William Zimmer, New York Times, (N.J. Section, Page 14), January 22, 1995
1995 “The Big Picture,” Multiculturalism Evoked in Jersey City Exhibit,” John Petrick,
The Jersey Journal, (TEMPO), January 6, 1995
1994 “Santeria Inspires Ben Jones,” Ralph Bellantoni The Courier News,
December 11, 1994, Page F-8
1994 “In The Shango Spirit,” Yemi Maye, The Voice, London, England, June 7, 1994
1994 “Celebrating The Spirit of the Black Male,” June Campbell
The Weekly Journal, (Exhibitions) London, England, June 16, 1994
1993 “A Major African – American Artist Teaches at Jersey City State,” Tom Wirth,
The Council of New Jersey State College Locals (AFT-CIO),
420 Chestnut Street, Union, NJ, December 1993
1992 “Chango’ Wallpaper Series: A Fortifying Design,” Cino Colina,
Granma International, Havana, Cuba, August 16, 1992
1990 The Montclair Art Museum to Present The Third Biennial “Visions of Cuba” A Slide
Presentation of Havana ’89, The Knight Examiner, Jersey City State College,
May 1, 1990
1989 “Painting Around The World,” Theresa Nance, Herald News, Vol. 73, No. 59,
Zone 1, December 27, 1989
1989 “Substance Lurks Beneath Surface,” Effie Paviou, Jersey Journal, Jersey City,
October 20, 1989
1989 “Art,” Eileen Watkins, The Star Ledger (Friday), Newark, Page 53, October 13, 1989
1989 “Gold Coast Artist’s Bold Strokes Exude A Spirituality,” Jane Greenstein, GoldCoast,
Jersey City, (Ben Exhibition of Serigraphs at the Montclair Art Museum, Montclair), March 9-16, 1989
1988 “College Video Paints ‘Portrait of Artist,” The Star Ledger, Newark, Page 52,
January 22, 1988
1988 “Signs of Transition 80’s Art from Cuba-Center Exhibit at Mocha in New York City,”
Center for Cuban Studies, New York, March 1988
1988 Cuban Art, The Jersey Journal, Page 36, November 30, 1988
1988 “Portrait’ Reveals Complexities of Jersey City Artist” (Art Forum), Page 22,
Naomi Kenan, The Gold Coast (The Jersey Journal Visual Arts), February 18-25, 1988
“Special Gift,” The Jersey Journal, Jersey City, NJ, July 13, 1987
1986 “At State Museum – All Eyes on New Jersey,” Cindy Cornetti,
The Trentonian, Page 39, January 5, 1986
1986 “Renowned Artist Adopted Goals at Eastside High,” Theresa Nance,
North Jersey Herald News (Paterson Today), Page A-3, February 16, 1986
1986 “Noted Black Artist Cites Museum Censorship,” Robert F. Lanzetti,
Herald News, February 21, 1986
1986 “Art ‘Censorship’ Charged,” David Shirley, The New York Times, (NJ Section),
March 23, 1986
1986 “Summit: Constructed in Jersey City,” William Zimmer,
The New York Times, September 28, 1986
1986 “Art,” Eileen Watkins, The Star Ledger, (Friday), Page 76, March 21, 1986
1986 “Ben Jones Makes Real Contact with his Abstracts,” The Princeton Packet, (Time Off), Princeton, NJ, February 21-March 2, 1986
1986 “State Museum Couldn’t Bare Nudity in Paintings,” Naom Kenan, The Jersey Journal, Page 2, February 25, 1986
1984 “Paterson Native’s Art Mirrors His Philosophy; Olivia Klymenko,” The Herald News
(Section D), February 12, 1984
1984 “Silkscreen Works By Jones in Exhibit,” The Jersey Journal, April 13, 1984
1984 “New Jerseyans,” Sandra Gardner, The New York Times (NJ Section), January 8, 1984
1983 “He’s Not A Doctor but That’s Okay,” There a Nance, Paterson Greater News,
December 31, 1983
1983 “Artist Name to Dance Board,” Jersey Journal, Page 6, December 21,
1983 “Paterson Artist Endeavors to Capture Black History,” The New Jersey Afro-American,
November 19, 1983
1983 “Essex Proving Attractive to Artists Trying to Start Galleries of Their Own,” Eileen Watkins, The Sunday Star Ledger, Page 12, January 2, 1983
1983 “Ben Jones – One Man Show,” The News, North Jersey, (Bulletin Board),
December 3, 1983
1983 “Jersey City State College Prof. (JCSC) Now Head of Dance Company,”
The Jersey Journal, Page 11, December 9, 1983
1982 “Artist Undergoes A Transformation,” The New York Times, (NJ Section),
June 20, 1982
1982 “Black Artists at Newark Museum,” John Caldwell, The New York Times,
February 28, 1982
1982 “Jersey City Artist Ben Jones Moves to Cosmic Awareness,” Marian Courtney,
The Jersey Journal, May 17, 1982
1982 “New Home for the Studio Museum is Dedicated in Harlem,” The New York Times,
June 16, 1982
1982 “Ben Jones – Art Opening,” Jersey Journal, Page CS, May 21, 1982
1981 “One Show at 2 Galleries in Newark,” Vivien Raynor, New York Times (NJ Section) Page 26, February 8, 1981
1981 “Black Artists’ Show in Newark Starts Monday,” The Jersey Journal, March 15, 1981
1981 “Ben Jones at Museum,” Jersey Journal, Jersey City, November 1981
1978 National Conference of Artists: On Campus, Charles Barrow, Gothic Times,
Jersey City State College, February 12, 1978
1977 “Photography Captures The Enigma of Color,” Clara Hieronymus, The Tennessean,
Sunday, March 27, 1977
1976 “Newark Artist Sees Doors Opening to Works of Black,” Ernest Roberson, The Sunday
Star-Ledger, March 21, 1976 Section 1: Page 49
1976 “Artists Opening Jersey City State College Conference 9:00 a.m. Tomorrow,”
Jersey, March 5, 1976
1976 “National Conference of Artists: On Campus,” Gothic Times, Page 9,
Jersey City State College, Page 9, 1976
1976 “Newark Artist Sees Opening to Works of Blacks,” The Sunday Star Ledger,
March 21, 1976
1976 “College Prof’s Artistry Glows in all Directions,” Daily News, No. J6, March 7, 1976
1976 “Limited Fame-Black Subjects for Artist,” The Jersey Journal, February 26, 1976
1976 “Black Women Artists Talk of Inspiration and Struggle,” Eileen Watkins,
The Star Ledger, Page 43, March 11, 1976
1975 Visual Creativity By Afro-Americans: A Critical Overview, Henri Ghent,
New York Amsterdam News (National Scene), Page 3, October-November 1975
1973 Art: ‘Blacks: USA: 1973’ Is Eclectic, Hilton Kramer, New York Times,
September 29, 1973
1973 “Hail JCSC Teachers’ Afro Art Works,” Jersey Journal, October 30, 1973
1973 “Why, in 1973, A Black Art Show?” Henri Ghent, The New York Times,
Section 2 – D25, Sunday, October 14, 1973
1972 “Through New Eyes” Larry Hall, The Star Ledger (Spectrum), Cover Page and
Page 4, October 8, 1972
2004 “Life Is Watching You” Belmont – West Runyon School, Newark, NJ
2001 “In Praise of Nature, Education, Life and Spirit,” Located at Martin Luther King Drive Station, Jersey City, NJ – Commissioned by N.J. Transit - 2001
2019: “Nina: My Muse”, Newark, NJ
2019 Ben Jones: An Artist’s Journey: In Conversation with Jordan Casteel (Rutgers University, Newark), Newark, NJ
Album Art Cover:
“The Soul Survives, Ruth Brown,” Flair Records, New York, NY
Poster Art:
“Broadway Soul,” Lincoln Center, New York, NY; Steven Binko, “South Africa
Freedom Movement,” National Black Lawyers Association, New York, NY, Strange
Fruit” Documentary Film by Joel Katz on Song by Billy Holiday, 2002
2018 The Art of The Journey: The Ben Jones Story: Newark Black Film Festival, Newark, NJ
2017 The Art of The Journey: The Ben Jones Story, New York, NY
2000 “Ben Jones – Opening,” Biblioteca Nacional Jose’ Marti, Havana, Cuba, 2000
2000 “Ben Jones – Opening,” Associao Cultural Brasil Estados Unidos (ACBEU), Salvador, Bahia, Brasil, 2000
1999 “Ben Jones Opening,” Jadite Gallery, New York City, 5/1999
1996 “Ben Jones – Espace Gaite,” Paris, France - 1996
1996 “Ben Jones – Shango Installation,” Kelly Jo Pereira, 1996
1994 “Shango Installation,” Jersey City Museum, Jersey City, N.J., 1994 Opening”
1992 “The Shango Wallpaper Series,” 1992
1992 “Ben Jones,” At The Rene Portcarrero Gallery, National Theatre, Havana, Cuba, 1992
1992 “Contacto,” Cuban Television, 1992
1991 “Ben Jones” At The Williams Center, Rutherford, N.J.,
1991 “Ben Jones A Portrait,” Jane Steuerwald, New Jersey City University, Jersey City, NJ, 1986
1983 “Ben Jones,” State of the Arts – N.J. Network Trenton, N.J. 5/23/83
“Black Art Ancestral Legacy,” The African Impulse on African/American Art,
The Mary Kay Foundation
Costume Design:
Sulaimaan Dance Company, Newark, NJ, Chuck Davis Dance Company, New York City
Dancer With Chuck Davis, Dance Company (from 1968-1982) New York
Newark African Dance Society (Dancer and Assistant Director 1967-1977)
Ben Jones Artwork" JPEG'S of Images 1959 to Present
African American Artists and Abstraction 2014
New York Public Television, “State of the Arts”
New Jersey Public Television, “Express Yourself”
NBC, Channel 4, “Positively Black”
WABC, Channel 7, “Black News”
WLIW, Channel 21
Present Position and Responsibilities in Art Department:
1967 to Present:
Professor of Art – New Jersey City University, Jersey City, NJ
(Drawing, Painting, Serigraphy, Color Theory, Life Drawing), African American and
African Art, Coordinator of Fine Art Area; BFA Committee; Advisory Board, Afro-
Studies Center, Black Administrators, Alumni Faculty, Student and Staff Organization
Curatorial Work:
As an Art Professor at New City University, I have curated the Black History Month Art Exhibition since 1968.
I have also curated art exhibitions of artists from Cuba, Italy, Ghana, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York and New Jersey.
As the fine arts coordinator, I have also curated many fine art student exhibitions over the years. Some of the nationally
known artists include Willie Cole, Bisa Washington, Gladys Graver, Mansa Mussa, Vivian McDuffy of New Jersey.
Other artists are: Pino Satta of Rome; Barbaro Miyares of Valencia; Kofi Essien of Accra Ghana; Bob Blackburn of
New York and The Weusi Collective also of New York and Margaret Burroughs of Chicago.
Community Involvement:
Committee, Friends of Robeson Campus Center Gallery, Rutgers University, Newark,
NJ; Free Art instruction to area high school students; Lecture on African and Afro-
American Art to various high schools and colleges; Recruitment of minorities from
Newark and local high schools.
Committee Member:
Afro-American Committee of Montclair Museum, Friends of Music and Art of
Hudson County
Newark Museum
World Print Council (1984-1988)
Montclair Art Museum
Afro-American Museum of Jersey City
National Conference of Artists
Friends of Music and Art of Hudson County (1991-2002)
Studio Museum in Harlem
Jersey City Museum
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture
Art Related Travel:
2003 Cuba
2002 Ghana
1998-2002 Cuba
1998 Italy
1996 South Africa, Paris, London, Salvador - Brazil
1995 London, Paris
1994 London, Bahia, Salvador - Brazil
1977 – Present Cuba
1983 Spain
1981 Soviet Union Art and Culture Tour
1981-1987 Visited Cuba ten times to study Contemporary Art and Culture
1976 Haiti, Study of African Influences in Haitian Art and Culture
1975 Art of the French Caribbean, Martinique and Guadeloupe
1974 Traditional Art of French Speaking West Africa, Paris, France
1970-1974 Art of West Africa, Martuitania, Senegal, Mali, Niger, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Togo, Nigeria, (also traveled throughout USA, Canada and Caribbean)
2016 Humanitarian Award, Porter Colloquium, Howard University Washington, D.C.
2007 Nation Endowment for Arts
2005 Puffin Foundation
2002 Joan Mitchell Foundation
2001 Distinguished Artist – William Paterson University, Wayne, NJ
2000 Council of Hispanic Affairs, New Jersey City University, Jersey City, NJ
1999 BAAFSSO Organization, New Jersey City University, Jersey City, NJ
1985 Award of Excellence in the Arts, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Arts & Letters
1984 Award of Excellence, City of Paterson and Passaic County
1982-1983 Career Development Grant, Jersey City, NJ
1980-1983 Purchase Award, National Afro-American Art Exhibition, Atlanta, GA
1980-1981 Career Development Grant, Jersey City, NJ
1977-1978 Fellowship, New Jersey State Council on the arts
1974-1975 Grant, National Endowment for Artists
Associao Cultural Brasil – Estados Unidos, Salvador, Brasil
Collections: (Partial Listing-Institutions)
Associao Cultural Brasil-Estados Unidos (ACBEU), Salvador, Bahia, Brasil
Amistad Research Center, New Orleans, LA
Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Havana, Cuba
Terekada Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
Musee Dynamique, Darker, Senegal, West Africa
Studio Museum of Harlem, New York, NY
Newark Museum, Newark, NJ
Atlanta Life Insurance Company, Atlanta, GA
Johnson Publication, Chicago, Illinois
New Jersey State Museum, Trenton, NJ
Howard University, Washington, DC
Peat Marwick Corporation, Montvale, NJ
New Jersey City University, Jersey City, NJ
Deloitte, Baskins & Morristown, NJ
Broadway Bank, Paterson, NJ
The Phillip Morris Collection, New York, NY
Jersey City Museum, Jersey City, NJ
Museum of African American History and Culture, Detroit, MI
Paterson Public Library, Paterson, NJ
Biblioteca Nacional Jose’ Marti, Havana, Cuba
Montclair Art Museum, Montclair, NJ
National Conference of Art Gallery, Detroit, MI
Dusable Museum, Chicago, IL
Hammonds House, Atlanta, GA
William Paterson University, Wayne, NJ
Avery Center, Charleston, SC
The Afro-American Historical Society, Jersey City, NJ
The David Driskell Collection, University of Maryland